Get Involved

As part of the strategic planning session in Fall 2023, GA4LE has segmented the state into regions, which align with the DOE Consultant regions.  The consultants are one of our greatest allies in getting the work out about GA4LE and our events and the value of participation

This will also help build our pipeline of qualified incoming board members for the business partner At-Large positions.

Committee Leader
Please review the attached map and send an email with the SUBJECT LINE: Committee Leader Interest - INSERT COLOR with an explanation of what you want to contribute to the organization and full contact information.  

Region Committee Member
If you’re just interested in joining region committee, not serving as a leader (yet), please send an email with the SUBJECT LINE: Region Committee Interest - INSERT COLOR with your contact information. 


Below is the committee listing for the overall organization with areas of responsibility.
Please send an email with your area of interest and SUBJECT LINE: Committee Member Interest | INSERT COMMITTEE NAME

Summer Conference

Planning of annual summer conference currently held in June. This committee is responsible for all logistics, sponsorship materials and solicitation, onsite registration, support etc. related to the production of the conference.

Community Partnerships

Working to advance common goals and theology among peer associations that benefit Georgia A4LE’s chapter/members’ interest as well as the advancement of the profession through scholarship award and industry recognition awards. Target organizations may include EPA, USGBC, Healthy Schools Network, Green Schools Alliance, CDC etc.


Coordinating with region committee leaders for details for chapter meetings. This committee is responsible for all logistics of picking school locations, road show locations, working with architect/contractor team on presentation, lunch logistics, registration related to production of chapter meetings. Additionally this committee is responsible for planning of annual sponsorship recognition event known as Winter Social including venue, menu, registration logistics.


The scholarship committee is responsible for updated and maintaining the annual scholarship application, promoting the scholarship to regional institutions for distribution to eligible students, review of all applications and selection of awardees. The scholarships are awarded at the Annual Winter Social.

Golf Tournament

This committee is responsible for the development of this new stand-alone event, all venue logistics, sponsorships, outreach, communications, promotion, prizes, pairings related to production of annual golf tournament. This event will directly support the Scholarship Fund.

Education / Professional Development

Selection of education programs affiliated with annual summer conference. This committee is responsible for conference theme, review of all submissions for presentation, AIA documentation coordination related to the summer conference technical education programs. This committee is also responsible for the educational component of any additional programming throughout the year